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Meeting Order

Chapter Traditions

Dues and Tax

Chapter Traditions

Regular Meeting



Call to Order


Opening Ode


We who are sisters in heart and spirit give thanks for the Star and its message; May Purity, Justice, Faith, Truth, and Love make glad and holy the secret places of our hearts. AMEN


Objects and Aims


The objects and aims of this Sisterhood shall be general improvement, which shall comprehend more especially the following points:


To seek growth in charity toward all with whom we associate, and a just comprehension of, and adherence to, the qualities of Faith, Love, Purity, Justice, and Truth.


To seek growth in knowledge and in culture, and to obtain all possible wisdom from nature, art, books, study, and society, and to radiate all light possible by conversation, by writing and by the right exercise of any talent we possess. To aim at self-control, equipoise and symmetry of character, and temperance in opinions, speech, and habits.


It shall be the chief duty of each member to consider thoughtfully the full import of P.E.O. This will include a sincere regard for our influence in the community, a careful consideration of feeling when speaking, and a determination to do all we can at all times and under all circumstances to express a loving concern for each sister.




Formal Opening of Meeting


Reading of Minutes




Report of Treasurer - roll call, financial report and bills


Report of Corresponding Secretary and correspondence


Chapter Business - Committee Reports/Unfinished Business/New Business                


Presentation of Names for Membership


Signing of Sponsor for Membership Form


Proposals for Membership






Installation of Officers (March)


Remarks by Visitors


Suggestions for the Good of the Chapter


Closing Benediction and Adjournment


Time of Sharing



• A special committee exists to call sisters each month to see if they can attend the next meeting. It is also a way for sisters to connect and find out how everyone is doing.



• Buddy Groups are established who stay together for two years. Each Buddy Group comes up with its own activities.



• The officers along with the Chairs of the Committees decide on goals for the upcoming year. These goals are shared with past Presidents to further refine them. They are then assessed twice by the Officers and Chairs. Although some chapters also set goals, many do not.



• The President holds birthday parties every three months for sisters who have had their birthday in that quarter.



• Chapter H has two potlucks a year – one at the beginning and one at the end of our year.



• We have a social every summer. Sometimes it is with just the sisters, sometimes with the BILs.



• Every year we hold an auction of items that sisters donate – jewelry, caramels, vacation condos, and works of art are just a sampling of what is donated. This is our main fund raiser.



• We try to mix presentations by our sisters with outside speakers for our programs.



• Our Interest groups are Coffee Camaraderie, Movie Mavens, Mah Jongg, The Crafters, and Bookies.



• We pride ourselves in being one of the most generous chapters in donating to the projects.



• The President presents roses every year to the sisters who have been members in increments of 5 years.


As a courtesy to the treasurer, please submit your dues by Feb. 15th.

Dues for both resident and nonresident members are $62.00.   Allocation of dues is as follows:

International - $31.00 (Cottey College - $6.00);

State - $8.00; Convention - $5.00;

Local Chapter - $18.00.     $6.00 is tax deductible



  1. If your total donation is to Cottey College, make your check payable to Cottey College and mail directly to Cottey.

  2. If your total donation is to a project, make your check payable to the project (i.e., P.E.O. Scholar Awards) and mail to the P.E.O. Executive Office.

  3. If your total donation is split between multiple projects, make your check payable to P.E.O. Foundation and it will be distributed by International. Mail to the P.E.O. Executive Office.

**There is a donation form on the P.E.O. International website.

Meeting Order
Dues and Tax


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