Chapter H Goals 2024-2025
1. Maintain communications with members to provide information on Chapter H news and
events. Courtesy Committee and President
2. Interview and recommend a minimum of 2 candidates for a scholarship, grant, or loan project
in 2024 - 2025. Education Committee
3. Highlight each P.E.O. project during meetings throughout the year. (Note: Assign new sisters
to a P.E.O. project, allowing them to become better acquainted with projects.) Education
Committee and President
4. Add new sisters to the chapter and ensure they are highlighted during a chapter meeting.
Membership Committee, Technology and President
5. Host a summer social in 2024. Social Committee
6. Provide a member mentor for each new sister for the first year of her membership to ensure she has a smooth transition into P.EO. Membership Committee
7. Conduct officer and committee chair meetings twice a year for the purpose of rating progress toward our goals. President
8. Strive to meet donation goals established in the annual budget through auctions and other creative fundraisers. Ways and Means Committee
9. Establish the chapter’s yearly theme and offer informative and interesting programs by external speakers and Chapter H sisters. Program Committee
10. Review the chapter’s bylaws; make updates and changes as necessary; communicate reasons for any changes to the membership; and obtain the required approval of any changes.
Bylaws Committee & President
11. Encourage chapter sisters to log into the chapter’s website to access announcements, sister
news, feature stories, etc. when they become available. Technology Committee
12. Foster participation in Interest Groups and Buddy Groups. (Buddy Groups will be
reassigned in September of odd number years.) All Sisters