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Tips for New Members

  1. The emblem is a star and has been since 1869.  Wear your emblem to all meetings.  It is engraved with your name, chapter initiation date.  The emblem is worn on your left side, over your heart.  It may be worn on a dress or suit jacket lapel, but not on a coat or collar of a blouse.

  2. Chapter meetings are conducted in a parliamentary manner following Robert’s Rules of Order.  When the gavel taps once, it gets our attention.  When it taps the second time, stand as you are able.  Attendance should be a priority unless you are ill, traveling or have family priorities. 

  3. Over time, you will be able to sing the Opening Ode and recite the Objects and Aims from memory.

  4. When roll call is taken, respond by saying “Present”.

  5. When we wish to speak in a meeting, stand and address the chair with “Madame President” and wait to be recognized.  It you are on Zoom, raise your hand and unmute to speak when the President acknowledges you.

  6. You will receive “The P.E.O. Record”, a magazine, six times a year.

  7. Your initiation fee is paid only once, but chapter dues are paid each year by or before the middle of February.  Your check should be made payable to “P.E.O. Chapter H”. 

  8. New members are assigned to a committee to serve with other sisters.  They are also paired with a mentor and assigned to a Buddy Group.

  9. You will fill out a P.E.O. Wish Form.

  10. You may not propose a name for membership or vouch for a new member during your first year.

  11. Make P.E.O. a priority engagement.  The more you give to our group, the more you will receive.

  12. If you move, your membership can transfer with you so you can join another chapter.

  13. Bring your yearbook to each meeting to use as a guide.

  14. Membership is intended to last a lifetime.  

  15. It’s okay to talk about P.E.O.  If someone asks you what the letters represent, respond by saying it’s a “Philanthropic Education Organization".

  16. P.E.O. is always written with periods between the letters.

  17. Private P.E.O. business and details of the Ceremony of Initiation are not to be quoted, copied or discussed with non-members.  

  18. When visiting another chapter, you will be invited to speak during the “Remarks by Visitors” portion.  The proper thing to say is, “I bring you greetings from Chapter H in Madison, Wisconsin.

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